Seminars & Workshops

A former colleague of mine once said:

"When you speak, Annika, people listen".

This is a quality I use in my keynotes, seminars and of course workshops. 

I use my leadership experience and storytelling skills to deliver inspiring, interactive and insightful seminars and workshops on leadership, time management and being human in an ever-changing world. 

I believe that people who feel good do good. I also believe that we often make life and work unnecessarily complicated by overlooking the important fact that we are first and foremost unique human beings, not cogs in a big machine. 

My mission is to touch hearts and open minds, and when I lead seminars and workshops, I do it so profoundly that participants...

  • Can't help but absorb the moving stories and valuable information, even in an early morning session on the second day of a major conference, or immediately after a coma-inducing lunch.

  • Get a new perspective on topics they thought they understood. Busting myths and looking at things from a different perspective is something I love to do in my seminars and workshops.

  • Talk about my powerful keynote long after it is over, and contact me months later to tell me about the impact of my words and how they are still applying what I suggested. 

  • Are inspired to lead and live with greater presence and purpose

  • Immediately implement some of the actionable suggestions and begin to transform not only their own lives, but the lives of those around them.

  • Get to know each other better and more deeply

  • Come up with new ways of working that suddenly seem obvious and achievable, even when they previously seemed difficult or even impossible.

If you want to touch hearts and open minds at kick-offs, departmental meetings or conferences, contact me to discuss a bespoke presentation.

And if you want your group to grow as a team and leave their own powerful, lasting mark on the workplace and beyond, let's put together a workshop. My workshops include practical exercises and group discussions and are suitable for both development and leadership teams.

Seminars and workshops are conducted face-to-face or online, in English or Swedish.

Please book a call to discuss what would be most helpful for you.

Key Seminars

You have all the time there is

Spend one hour learning how to save hundreds of hours by paying yourself first with time. In this seminar, Annika debunks common myths and misconceptions about time and explains the 3 real reasons we run out of time and how to overcome each of them.

“I also very much enjoyed her presentation about how to use our time. It was based around a really emotional story. She really knows how to make listeners feel something - you could have heard a pin drop, even if there were around 500 in the audience. And actually, making us feel also made us remember what she said!”

Michael Gates,

vice chairman Richard Lewis Communications

Change Management with a human touch

If your organisation is dealing with ongoing change, or is about to undergo a major change, this interactive seminar is the perfect way to not only get started, but to stay on track. 

I will explain different change management models, but more importantly, you will learn how to add the human touch needed to make any change appreciated and sustainable.

“It was great with this session coming in today, being more hands-on, working on a real case, getting to think and implement the different perspectives that we have learned already.  Thank you for a great lecture.”

Student at the Masters program for

Digital Leadership at Gothenburg University.

If you want to touch hearts and open minds at kick-offs, departmental meetings or conferences, contact me to discuss a bespoke presentation.

Key Workshops

Balanced leadership

When to step in and how to step back

What is good leadership? Visionary, decisive leadership? Servant leadership? Some other buzzword for leadership?  The answer is (of course): It depends.

A start-up requires a different type of leadership than a company with established routines and a skilled workforce.

After attending this workshop, you will know which type of leadership is most appropriate for the situation.

Book this workshop to learn which leadership style is best for which challenge and how to master the skills you need.

Learn when to step in and how to step back.

“This workshop was very clarifying. Now I appreciate my own leadership style and understand I don’t need to become someone else.”

Participant in a corporate training program

where this workshop was included.

Reliable Decision Making

Good decision-making is important in courageous leadership. Courageous leaders need to make timely decisions without rushing.

With the help of this workshop you will learn how to make any kind of decision, be it simple, complicated or complex!

You can develop reliable decision making skills by knowing how to identify the type of decision you need to make and choosing the appropriate approach for that decision.

In this workshop you will learn the real reasons why we hesitate when making decisions and how to avoid the typical pitfalls. We will follow a decision flow described in the tool provided.

To get the most out of this workshop, bring a decision that you have been thinking about for some time and make the decision during this session. By the end of our time together, you will have made your decision - and you will feel good about it!

"Now I feel more comfortable about a decision I made long ago"

Timefinder Academy member after participating in this Workshop.

Book a call to discuss how we can tailor a seminar or workshop to take you and your organisation forward!

"I also very much enjoyed her presentation about how to use our time. It was based around a really emotional story. She really knows how to make listeners feel something - you could have heard a pin drop, even if there were around 500 in the audience. And actually, making us feel also made us remember what she said!"

Michael Gates,

vice chairman Richard Lewis Communications

"The presentation really makes you think"

participant about the keynote speech
Time is of the essence
at Budbee's launch in the Netherlands.

Change management with a human touch

For students in a Masters program for Digital Leadership at Gothenburg University.

As always, I enjoy the discussions and insights that we share in interactive seminars :). I am happy Dina Koutsikouri, Associate Professor of Information Systems at University of Gothenburg felt as if she had a colleague by her side and that she found the session both fantastic and very appreciated.

Here are the reactions from some of the students:

"I think this lecture in general was the fastest I have ever had in this Master program. It was so interesting to listen to and participate in."

"I liked what you said about the Growth mindset because it is applicable in every single domain and every single level. I think it’s a nice thing to bring and put in our toolbox."

"It was great with this session coming in today, being more hands-on, working on a real case, getting to think and implement the different perspectives that we have learned already. Thank you for a great lecture."

"I am also superhappy about this subject because behavioral economics is my favorite subject. I am happy I could connect it with my studies thanks to this lecture. It was super, super useful."

Balanced leadership in a digital world

at the Inn-fika seminar:

Digital leadership readiness level- How to stay ambidextrous?

Reactions from participants:

“Great job, really good! Great energy.”

“Always a true pleasure to listen to both of you Annika Rosendahl and Johan Magnusson ... you provide new aha moments every time 😃 Really enjoyed our discussions today, can’t wait for the follow-up sessions ☺️”

“Thanks a lot for inspiring presentations, good and fruitful discissions!

Evaluation of the speakers from all participants at the event: 4,9/5.

"Annika är en duktig och professionell talare. Lämnade föreläsningen inspirerad med nya infallsvinklar kring tid. "



"Annika genomförde en strukturerad och saklig presentation av sina erfarenheter av förändringsarbetet som väckte tankar hos våra studenter. Positivt att föreläsningen innehöll exempel från egna arbetslivserfarenheter."

Jonas Fasth

Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs Universitet

"Annika är mycket professionell och det märks att hon föreläst länge. Hon fångade intresset hos de som lyssnade och det som kanske är det mest självklara i hennes innehåll behöver alla bli påminda om. Kan varmt rekommendera henne."


Schillerström Företagskonsulten

"Annikas föreläsning och workshop om time management var mycket uppskattad av mig själv och alla mina kollegor. Hon levererade med energi, gav inspiration och fler bra tips och råd. Rekommenderar henne varmt vidare."

Mehrnush Ostad

om föreläsningen och gruppövningarna på Zenuity

"Tack för en bra och mycket givande föreläsning"


"Vi borde ha fler föreläsningar av den här typen."

Deltagare på All the time there is föreläsning på

Volvo Car Company - Active Safety and Autonomous Drive

"Det var oförskämt bra. Det högg till i hjärtat direkt. "

Deltagare på Inn-fika om min föreläsning: Dialogue in a digitalized world

"Bästa Annika, vilken ENERGI du gav oss på vår kick-off för vårt kvinnliga nätverk, Women Connect Sweden.

Wow alltså, vi fick konkreta tips, vi fick tankenötter, vi fick insikt och vi fick skratt – en föreläsning som innehåller allt!Du är en föreläsare med tygghet i din kunskap och i ditt föreläsande, jag bokar dig gärna igen och rekommenderar både föreläsningen och boken ”Visst har du tid”. De berör ett ämne som behöver ta mer plats på arbetsplatsen så väl som i hemmet."

Sara Järpenberg,

HCL Technologies about the lecture All the time there is

"Jag vill tacka för en riktigt bra föreläsning!"


Sigma Technology

"Att - så generöst som du gör - så tankefrön var mycket givande för mig idag. Det är upp till mig att låta de visa orden slå rot, växa och själv sprida vidare!"

Deltagare på Ericsdotter-föreläsning

"Inspirerande att lyssna till Annika Rosendahl. Många av oss som var på temakvällen prövar säkert att minska på måsten och vanor för att vinna "gör-det-du-vill-tid". Många bra tips och en lycklig vinnare av Jenny, Jenny denna kväll."

Lullan Backman,

Sol och Sand.

"Tack för en mycket uppskattad föreläsning idag! Vi var många som pratade om spilltid och villtid i Sigmas korridorer under eftermiddagen..."


Sigma Technology

"Vill skicka ett stort Tack för din förmiddag med oss i Vasa församlingshem. Det var inspirerande, tänkvärt och roligt föredrag där jag är säker på att många hade något att ta med sig om hur de vill förändra/förbättra att lägga sin tid."



"Tack vare din inspirerande titel på din föreläsning & interaktiva härliga samtal idag så började jag själv ett mindset-change redan i förra veckan - från att vara en "tidsfånge" till att i alla fall försöka vara tidsdrottning/tidskapten!"

Deltagare på Ericsdotter-föreläsning

Book a call to discuss how we can tailor a seminar or workshop to take you and your organisation forward!