Rabbitface- a Love Story on Ice

What would happen if you took the themes of Dirty Dancing, Mask
(the 1985 version with Cher) and
Green Fried Tomatoes and mixed them together in a story about figure skating?

You get the contemporary romantic drama
Rabbitface, a multifaceted and touching love story in 4 parts, all of which are likely to touch your heart.

Part 1:

The Birth of a Monster

If you’re the school freak, should you forever hide in the shadows or fiercely face the sun?

When Rita starts high school, she knows she won’t make any friends. That’s just the way it is for someone like her. But when Vladimir, the Russian junior figure skating champion with “Elvis” eyes, moves to Oregon, she decides to audition as his skating partner. After all, skating is her one and only superpower.

Things go from bad to worse when Vladimir starts dating the most beautiful girl in school, who has a vendetta against Rita both on and off the ice. But through twists and turns, Rita discovers that what she always saw as her biggest weakness may be her biggest strength.

Rabbitface is a multi-layered and touching love story on ice. The
Birth of a Monster
, which shines a light on life’s shadows, is the first of four parts.

Part 2:

The Death of an Angel

As Rita faces the world alone, will her former foe become a friend, or will he just break her heart again?

With her best friend now living on the other side of the world, Rita starts the new school year determined to use her ugliness as a shield and scare the bullies away.

But when tragedy strikes, her world crumbles. It doesn’t help that her mother is dead, her dad’s a loser, her best friend is just a face on her phone, and her beloved skating instructor has become a shadow of her former self.

When Vladimir, the ice-skating champion Rita wishes she didn’t have a crush on, offers to be her skating partner for the end-of-year show, Rita’s passion for skating overrides her fears.

As their lives intertwine, her confusion intensifies.

Can she really trust the man who dates her nemesis and who once hurt her so, or is she setting herself up for another painful blow?

is a multi-layered and touching love story on ice. The second of four parts, The Death of an Angel, explores the myriad ways we can choose to battle the dark times.

Röster om böckerna



It’s such a great book with so much to offer – both beautiful and horrible – the perfect kind of novel.



Att läsa Rabbitface är som att åka Flumeride på Liseberg. Upp, upp, upp - rädsla för att åka ner - lättnad att det inte var så farligt - upp, upp, upp - sedan kommer den stora backen trots allt - och så är det slut på del 1 och man undrar vad som händer i del 2.



"Du skriver så fantastiskt bra, spännande och fängslande! Hoppas det inte dröjer så länge tills du ger ut The death of an Angel. [Nästa del i Rabbitface serien]

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